Hunter and Julie Moore

Hunter and Julie Moore
Best Friends

It's ALL GOOD :-)

It's ALL GOOD :-)



Moore Family February 2011

Moore Family February 2011

THE Johnston-Flake Gang

THE Johnston-Flake Gang
Christmas 2010

Johnston Family

Johnston Family



Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A week in the life with the MOORES...

Cody started soccer classes this week, and the girls started gymnastic classes. I was really impressed with the gymnastic class. The Palms Park and Rec. had loads of equipment, and the teacher had just the right amount of technique training and fun. The girls had a blast! On the other hand, Cody wasn't overly thrilled about his soccer. Ultimately, he wished he had also chosen gymnastics. Fortunately, after his soccer class (which is conveniently at the same time as the girls gymnastic class) the kids are all allowed to play on the gym equipment for 10 minutes before the next class starts. I LOVE it!! So did they :-).

Sterling LOVES his bath time. He splashes in the water and continually tries to roll over, face-first, into the water. He's really cute!

Cody took the kindergarten bears home with him this last Monday. He had to spend the day playing with "Olly and Molly" and journal all that he did. He dressed them, sang to them, played cars with them, and put them down for a nap. Cody can be such a tender young man. It was sweet to watch him take such good care of these stuffed bears.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pics from our CA move-in day!

Hunter and Rodney

Our Elders!! They are AWESOME!

We are so fortunate to live in such an amazing ward!

Our neighbors didn't know what was going on!! Men kept showing up to help move everything out of our truck and into our home. In just one hour, the truck was empty!! THANK YOU WESTWOOD 2nd WARD!! WE LOVE YOU!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


This year, Hunter and I decided to become BYU supporters :-). We had a group of friends from our ward come over during the game. We love game nights!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cody's Kindergarten Memory Book Pictures

Cody had to take pictures for his family memory for his kindergarten class. These were some of the fun pictures.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

1st Day of School!

The kids were excited to get to their new school today.

Mariah made friends right away.

Amber with her new teacher, Mrs. Greenstein.

The kids were thrilled to see the Westwood 2nd Ward Bishop's daughter, Maddison Smith.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Can I even express how truly THRILLED I am that school is finally opening it's doors for my three older children??????? I have had the LONGEST 4 months of my life! The kids got out of school in Kansas on May 16th, and they will be starting school in CA on September 9th!! I spent two months of the summer by myself (w/ out Hunter) with 4-5 children, and then we moved TWICE!! I can only hope for a few years to just stay in one place, but who knows?? Maybe Hunter will get hired on by an another NFL team?? That's a definite possibility. Anyway...I can't take a picture of myself doing TOYOTA JUMPS for school commencement---but I'm sure you can all imagine it! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So--everyone knows that DMV days are just going to be a drag--REGARDLESS whether your intentions are to be amiable and happy during the day. When moving to a new state--which we've done a few times now--I try to plan to have a babysitter for the kids, or Hunter or I go alone because EVERYONE KNOWS you DON'T take 4 kids to the DMV to update your car registration or drivers licenses. However--I had no choice. And yes--I was the ONLY parent (out of the 300 other people there) that had more than 2 children with me. After a few death threats on the way to the DMV ;-) , I could only hope that my children would keep our dysfunctions private. Amazing, even though we had to wait over 2 1/2 hours in a non-cooled, over-congested, highly chaotic setting--the snacks and coloring supplies held the kids over!!! Sterling even slept! Thanks be to heaven! And--of course--when we finally got called (90 people later), I was told I was missing several documents (all of which weren't on the "to have list" on the internet website), and that I needed to complete a few other car tests and come back again tomorrow. WHAT???!!!! During our stay, Cody held up the men's bathroom for 25 minutes while the line of men grew steadily angrier. To make it more comical, he announced to everyone, when he finally came out, that he "had to go POO!" Another day in the life of a mother. Mommy moments are just, uncouth, and generally embarrassing in public settings! At least 5 people said, "WOW. You really have your hands full!" NO KIDDING!! Anyway--after smog tests and vehicle verification tests--and a ton of money...I get to plan on going back again tomorrow. AGH!!