Hunter and Julie Moore

Hunter and Julie Moore
Best Friends

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Moore Family February 2011

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Johnston Family



Sunday, March 21, 2010

Q & A...

This post is in response to many of your questions. I've been extremely general up to this point--purposefully avoiding a self-instigated mental breakdown. I often put all the positive info. out for all to see, keeping the intricate details of the many trials that are often weighing us down "close to the chest." Struggles are just not as fun to read about, right??

In all reality, LA has been chewing us up and spitting us out!! YES--there is a lot to be said for temperate weather and the TOTAL lack of seasons and snow, but I LOVE fall colors and lots of SNOW!! YES--there is excitement on the beach, but I'm not overly anxious to live on a fault-line--5 minutes from the coast--where an earthquake could flatten our home or a Tsunami could drown us all at any time. FYI--we had 3 earthquakes just last week!! AGH! Fortunately, we only had a 4.4, but REALLY???!!! And why would a $100K home in AZ cost $750K in CA? The building materials can't be that comparitively over-inflated!

Hunter's internship sounded great, but didn't pan out as expected. So, unfortunately, things have been pretty darn tough. We've learned a lot over the past year, though. We've had some really hard weeks. However, we have had some REALLY joyous days--mostly at Disneyland :-). Poppy and Nanna Moore saved up for 2 years and took our whole extended Moore clan to Disneyland for 3 days. We rolled those tickets into annual passes. Now--a day at Disneyland only costs us gas to and from Anaheim and $14 for parking---SWEEEEEEET! Thank you Poppy and Nanna Moore! Disneyland has been our "happy place"--quite literally. We try to go as often as possible.

I've really missed my friends. Terribly.

I miss nature. I've become numb to the "buzz" of the big city. I'm a country girl through and through. I don't need fine clothes or thousands of dollars to have a good time, but I've seen how the "other side" lives now.

The church is different here, too. Wealth can really change people. Views get skewed easily. Doctrine is questionned regularly, and I feel like I have to fight for simple truths to be upheld. Fortunately, I'm not alone. Others are fighting with me. It's exhausting, though. I've really found admiration for those who don't crumble under the pressure. Yet, there are days (too many days) that I just want to give up--and MOVE!!

Regardless...the waiting game persists. May 15th is D-day for the Moores...Doom/Delight--who knows which. The Bar results should arrive mid-May. Of course, they don't actual give you a day--that's all a guessing game, too. 5 years of my life has been consumed with the "unknown". Who knows which law school we'll go to? Who knows what or where the internships will take us? Who knows when or where the new jobs will come from? Who knows where the money will appear from? So many questions--and so few answers.

We've been reading about Abraham in Gospel Doctrine, and I must admit--that guy had a LOT of faith! Faith is what keeps me alive right now. I have faith that God really does know our situation and is routing our course to greener meadows. I have faith that everything will work out. I have faith that despite the hard times--light is at the end of this very long dark tunnel. Of course, my faith has seen better days, but I'm trying my best. I really do believe the doctrine, though, and that in itself means that happiness is actually obtainable--even if it comes in the next life. Time to keep on keepin' on, right??

Mommy-ing is a struggle right now, too. With just one car (that leaves with Hunter each morning), I've had to limit my activities to the square-mile around my home. And since the majority of my days are spent walking children to and from school--very little time is left after laundry, dishes, and other cleaning is completed...especially with a very active 11 month old that is like a 3-man wrecking crew.

I know all the Mormon cliches for the gloomy attitudes that I'm expressing. "This too shall pass." "Focus on the eternal perspective." "I never said it would be easy, only that it would be worth it." "Count your many blessings." So, all of you that were thinking these things...I've already got it covered.

So--you weren't expecting the real truth, but there it is. CA is not my cup of tea. I don't know what Heavenly Father has planned for our family, but I hope I can get through this. I feel like I'm drowning already.


Becky said...

Thanks for sharing the truth, it's nice to know that other people are going through similar things! Perhaps not geographically, but feelings carry over to situations and battles no matter where you are. I think you're at least tackling it with the best strategy and I admire you for it as always. It sounds like you are living in the land of Limbo, just like we did after Chris took his bar exam. Really, why in the world does it take them so long to grade those stinking tests? Now really, doesn't everyone live on a fault line or tornado alley now a days? I wish you the best!!!!

Kath said...

We sure miss you guys here in Kansas and would love it if you guys moved back here!!!

Sarah Blue said...

Holy Cow! That is a lot of stuff going on and I had no idea. I thought you guys only moved to LA because Hunter had an actual job. I didn't realize it was an internship. Has he taken the bar anywhere other than California? Jeremy's office is looking for someone...of course, it has nothing to do with sports though. :( If I wasn't so huge and pregnant I would drive to your house and take you out to lunch. As it is, plan on me for a day in the summer.

I love you and think you are wonderful! I am amazed at everything you are doing and the positive attitude that you still maintain. Never feel guilty or bad for feeling bad. It's alright to complain at times...there are multiple psychological studies to back that up! Venting helps relieve the stress and helps one to carry one, just be sure to vent to the right person.

Again, I think you are wonderful!

Good Luck. I will definitely add you and your family to my prayers.

Hopefully, you are feeling alright physically.

Stephanie said...

I know what you mean about sharing everything on a public blog. I actually have two for all of the happy stuff and one where I write down my feelings and so on. I hope that whatever does happen is what you want. I love CA but hate the whole earthquake thing. I know what you mean about the whole one car thing. That has been my biggest challenge. I thought we could do it no problem...but have vowed to have a second car by the time Christian gets back from Afghanistan. I admire the faith you have and wish I had the same. With my husband leaving in a few short weeks..I feel that I have chosen denial. I know he is leaving but don't have to make it seem real until he really does. We all have our trials and I am glad you chose to share yours. Keep your head up and let your faith continue and you will and your family will be fine! :)

Erika said...

Wow Julie! Sounds a bit tough...wish I were around you again. I understand the unknown and the LOOOOONG process of schooling and training that your husband has been through. We've been at it for 10 years now with 2 1/2 left to go! Both of our families are on the very long hard road that requires a LOT of faith, optimism, hope, and of course PATIENCE. All the while trying not to have that "I'll be happy when..."attitude. It's all about counting blessings and having gratitude in order to live the way we know we should. Easier some days than others. You are doing a wonderful job with all of your circumstances, keep your eyes open for the tender mercies and just know that "I so feel you girl"! Love & miss you!

Kristen M said...

The truth is good to let out sometimes. As it goes for liking LA more I think you need some more time in the nature. Drive to Malibu for the most amazing scene ever at El Matador Beach, head to the mountains for a beautiful hike where you can see all the way to the snow and the beach at the same time (one of our favorites is in Newport if you ever want suggestions ask me, Aaron and I get out every weekend to enjoy the nature), Griffith Observatory is free and is all about Space and Science, the park is beautiful rolling hills which you are shocked are in LA it is amazingly beautiful and tons of open space. I know it is an adjustment with everything and having your kiddos in such a big city, but really and truly the outdoors is right here in LA, you just have to be a bit more proactive. I love it to death here and hope you can find some more enjoyment!!! If you ever want outdoorsy suggestions of places to go we got tons and most are free.

I know lots of people here in LA would love for you guys to stay around, including myself, so whatever I can do to help you out I sure would do.

EndoQuad said...

Hey Jules, too bad you are not a guy. :-) I had to be a stay at home Dad (more or less) for quite a while. When I told my wife it isn't that bad she said thats because I don't do anything like dishes, laundry, or bathe and dress the kids. :-) lol. No, life is what it is, I like that you throw it all out there! Good to hear from you. We need to do a Disney trip together sometime. :-)