Hunter and Julie Moore

Hunter and Julie Moore
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Monday, January 12, 2009

Time of Reflection...

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Our Christmas adventures led us from family to family. We had a lot of time to sit and discuss politics, religion, and basic opinion with many family members. I've certainly become a different person over the years. I view the world differently now. Before marriage, I felt invincible--believing I could solve world hunger if it came down to it. Now--I see all my weaknesses, and I tend to steer clear of giving advice to others anymore--because, truth is--I'm struggling in so many areas myself. Sure--I can now tell people what NOT to do in relationships, finance, business, etc. BUT--I want these next ten years to be a time of SUCCESSES not failures. Of course, so much learning comes from trial and error, but I'm hoping to see more "good fruit" from my actions--rather than apologizing so often because of my own follies.

Some of my beliefs:

I'm a Republican. However, I'm really looking forward to Barack years. I'm interested to see what he and his cabinet can do to solve the mess he's been left with. I think the Republican Party needs to get their act together over the next few years--and return to TRUE Republic platforms--instead of trying so hard to grab all the "middle-ground" stragglers.

RELIGION (remember--this is just thoughts by Julie)
I'm battling doctrine vs. culture. I think there are too many false cultural tendencies maintained by many Mormons. I'm guilty, too. I've turned to the doctrine for answers. DISCLAIMER: I'm a 100% believer in the doctrine. However, I think it's time to put aside cultural opinions that do not coinside with the gospel.

For example, a young woman (age 20-25) is not an "old-maid" if she's not married. Likewise, a young man--who seeks his own experience and identity...before choosing to marry, is WISE!! Are we pressuring our youth to marry before they are really ready to commit--or before they are prepared to become parents? Is the divorce rate partially our own fault?

Our righteousness is not determined by the number of children we have, and we shouldn't judge those who do not have 4 or more kids! It's not our place. Those familial decisions are between God and the couple.

If a young man hasn't completed a full-time mission (for whatever reason)--he shouldn't be slandered and kept from dating. We claim to be Christians--yet, in so many ways, we believe we're superior to others (even those within our own faith). Are we really forgiving? Where should judgement lie?

Traditions: what "false traditions" are we privvy to?

Can you tell I've been thinking a lot about this? In order to change bad habits, we must first identify them. Most of the traditions I've referred to are mental habits. In the last Joseph Smith lesson I taught in Relief Society, JS said that pure knowledge is given to those who first put away their false traditions. I'm trying hard to identify my own and change. I LOVE gaining knowledge--so I'm really wanting to work on this.


Becky said...

Politically I agree with the later part of your statement. Religion all the way. I've been randomly thinking of some of those things too. I was 24 when I got married and I know that feeling of unneeded worry that I'll end up an old maid. First of all, I don't think any single woman should be thought of as an old maid no matter what her age, 24 or 100. Second, life is short and if you see it that way you'll grab it by the whatevers and fly married or single.
I think more people in the gospel are starting to realize some of the cultural things you are but there are those who are still stuck in cookie cutter mold mode. Why exclude and push people away because they didn't to the "pre-qualifications?" Life starts today, choices start today, and if we live in the past that's where we'll be stuck. I have family members and friends who haven't fit the "mold" and how cruel and un-Christlike would I be to judge them. We are all individual children of God and are all loved unconditionally by Him. That's the kind of love we're here to learn and give as best we can.
(sorry, that was long and there's more but there might be a character limit :) )

Sarah Blue said...

I'm with you. I've been trying to break away from culture too. Trying to focus more on pure religion and those things Christ would have me do. It's tough. Especially when it seems like everyone around you is in to their eyeballs with the traditions of culture.

Good luck with your decisions!!!

Dena Moon said...

It has been fun reading your blog and catching up on your busy life. This post in particular makes me miss our talks, our long ~we can save the world from hunger~ figuring out who we were ~talks.
Thanks for sharing your blog!